Brett Morrison
Brett worked in MIS. You can see his obituary at Brett Morrison Obituary. The photo is the one shown in the obituary.
Brett worked in MIS. You can see his obituary at Brett Morrison Obituary. The photo is the one shown in the obituary.
Kent Lloyd Wise, 73, passed away on January 9, 2020 in Charleston, SC. Kent held executive positions with TG&Y and McCrory beginning in the early 70’s.
The picture was taken from the Temple & Sons obituary page. It’s my (Jim Kettler) sad duty to report that another of our TG&Y family has passed. Judy Anne Young, who worked in the HQ mail room for several years, passed on February 21, 2022. A slideshow is available here:
It’s a sad day for the TG&Y family as we share with you the passing of Dewey Gathright. He was a talented, hard-working, and trustworthy member of the CFC team. His obituary can be viewed here.
Dewey Lee Gathright Read More »
It is with great sadness that we share with you that our friend and co-worker Gary Bosler has passed. Gary led the information technology area of TG&Y Stores Company into its finest hours. His leadership skills took one of the leading data processing operations of its time and put it far out in front. The
George started his career at TG&Y Company in Oklahoma City, working in MIS. In 1986, he joined Arkansas Best Freight in Ft. Smith where he worked until his retirement in 2015. He was able to attend one of the reunions a few years ago. View the full obituary at: King and Shearwood Funeral Home