Former TG&Y Stores Company Personnel Obituaries This is information concerning obituaries, etc. as the information is provided. Information comes from friends, family members and/or newspaper and online obituaries when available. Visitors can comment (until comments are closed) on individual obituaries if there is a post associated with the name.

Deaths: 2018

Our condolences to the families of the following associates. This information is provided by friends and relatives….

Please use the “Obituary Submission” form link below to provide information about people you would like to add. If you would like to add an obituary, click here to go to the submission form.

Please Note: When an obituary link is available I post it but those go away after some period of time and I have to remove the links so they may no longer work. The first section contains more recent obits as they have been posted to this site. Below those you will find obits listed by year since most were before we began using this site. Click on the name to view the post and any photo which is available.

  • Jeanne Grissom

    “Photo from her obituary in the Dallas Morning News….” “I remember Jeanne first as a secretary in the Buying Department, then as an Assistant Buyer.” submitted by Rene Herndon. When she and John Grissom (Buyer) decided to marry Jeanne was transferred to the Merchandising Department as a secretary for Andy Collins. She was as intelligent

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