Edwina W. Johnson – June 1, 1935 – November 16, 2017
I am writing today as Roberta about my friend Edwina Edwards Johnson.
I was waiting for lunch to go last week, watching people meander past the dessert case to get into line. Two women passed by and one of them reminded me of Edwina. As I sat there phone in hand, I Googled her name and at the top of the page was her obituary. She had been on my mind for some time. Her emails had been returned undelivered. I hadn’t spoken to her in several years. When I left York the last time in 1996, we would speak more often but as with most things life got in the way. As it turns out, I probably wouldn’t have been able to reach her had I tried since, according to her obituary she had moved from York in 2015.

The photo is from her Obituary at Boulding Mortuary, York PA . There was another in the York paper but this one is much more detailed.
Edwina worked in MIS at TG&Y. She transferred with McCrory and after leaving McCrory, worked for the York school system.
Edwina was one of the most kind, caring, considerate and upbeat people I’ve ever met. This says a lot because I’ve known many people, most from my days with TG&Y, with those qualities. When I moved to York she welcomed me with open arms. Bill and I had dinner on several occasions with she and John, but for some time, both Bill and John traveled so we had girl time. Bill and John passed within a few years of each other.
We would have long talks about a variety of topics. Edwina was born the same year as my father. I never really saw an age difference and we always enjoyed our time together. I always learned something from her. I remember her vintage red velvet living room furniture and how she always made me feel at home.
Edwina took notes in shorthand. Yes, shorthand. She frequently had a steno pad full of shorthand notes. She inspired me to learn shorthand but it never took. I probably still have the book on a shelf somewhere. Maybe I’ll give it another try.
Goodbye for now dear friend!